Module 2: Internet Communication and Productivity


4 weeks


1-on-1 Mentorship sessions

Learning Topics

Key Mentee Deliverables

  • Configure Google apps (gmail, calendar, contacts, drive)
  • Create Zoom account
  • Create a Linkedin profile
  • Write a recommendation for their peer (in cohort) (Linkedin)
  • Upload this to Google Drive
  • Complete module 2 checkpoint
  • Finish all Google Suite lessons

Supplemental Activities

Learning Outcomes

  • Educate mentees on importance of public posts on social media, including how they may be viewed by potential employers and LE
  • Use online services to better understand their financials
  • Mentees will have an understanding of how to create / manage a digital workspace
  • Workflow Management


* = Already included in the section’s link

† = Articles for mentors to read before teaching the subject

ˤ = Mentors should not be giving financial advice. Instead, they should help mentees feel comfortable navigating verified online tools.