Module 2: Deep dive into HTML, CSS


4 weeks


1-on-1 Mentorship sessions

Learning Topics

  • How to run a local web server to start working on your static HTML page
  • Structure of HTML page
  • Adding metadata to your page
  • Style your HTML with CSS
  • Using CSS selectors to create classes and reusable styles
  • CSS style hierarchy and overrides
  • Embedding media with HTML
  • Adding web fonts to your page

Key Mentee Deliverables

  • Run a local web server to see your changes in real time
  • 1 page website styled with CSS
  • Use 1 page website from module 1 and expand to 5 pages with links, embedded media, navigation bar, footer and a new style
  • Include a web font on your page
  • Add metadata to your page in HTML
  • A Styled, but static version draft of passion project (no expectation of interactivity that will come from JavaScript)

Learning Outcomes

  • Comfortable running local web server
  • Comfortable creating new webpages with HTML & CSS independently
  • Comfortable adding basic interaction to websites
  • Comfort styling websites with CSS

Supporting Educational Resources