Supplemental / Alternative resources

There will frequently be reasons why the default curriculum is not optimum for a given mentee. The Odin project does reference good supplemental materials, but here is a place for us to gather additional resources that might

Contribution Note

We want to be continuously respectful of both mentor and mentee time. If you have a resource to suggest, we really appreciate it. There’s, no doubt, a reason why you feel the resource is valuable. When you submit a suggestion, please provide a brief description of the resource, what it’s value is, and any caveats that a mentor/mentee should be aware of.

If you do make use of one of these resources, everyone would probably appreciate the addition of a brief review describing your experience utilizing that resource.

We’ll accept suggestions wither through quick notes to the #curriculum channel on the EmergentWorks Slack, or you can use you’re (perhaps newfound) GitHub skills to submit a PR to this page.

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