Module 3: Intro to Javascript


4 weeks


1-on-1 Mentorship sessions

Learning Topics

  • Reading other people’s HTML & CSS (exercise)
  • Intro to the Javascript console
  • Intro to interactive Javascript
  • Using Javascript libraries
  • Make a simple game (Tic-Tac-Toe or Rock Paper Scissors or Coin Toss) with your mentor

Key Mentee Deliverables

  • Reproduce the style of your favorite website homepage from scratch in HTML & CSS
  • Add basic Javascript to add interactive components like a modal (pop-up) or animations
  • Add at least 1 Javascript library to your page to add functionality
  • Bonus: deploy your website to Github pages
  • Functional initial release of passion project.

Learning Outcomes

  • Using Chrome developer tools to inspect pages
  • How to log information in the console
  • How to use buttons and modals for basic interaction
  • How to use HTML, CSS & Javascript together
  • Reinforce Github skills

Supporting Educational Resources