Curriculum Project Workflow

This project workflow is designed to assist in tracking progress through The Odin Project’s JavaScript course, and to give the mentee some introductory experience with being assigned issues, and working them using a lightweight process (simulating some of the work experience without burdening the learning with too much “process”)

  • Mentor converts project tasks to Issues in mentee project
    • Status “Todo”
  • Mentee selects the next issue and changes status to “In Progress”.
  • Mentee creates new branch off the main branch. (Mentor and mentee can settle on a branch naming convention) All work for that task/issue will be done on this branch.
    • Note: Some projects may warrant their own repo. If you do this, just put a link to that repo in the file
  • Once complete, the mentee will submit a Pull Request and mark the issue “Submitted for Review”
  • Mentor will review the submitted work, and may add comments, and request revisions if necessary to consider work satisfactorily completed.
  • Mentor will merge PR to the “main” branch and set the status to “Done”.
    • Status change may be automated if you set up the workflow during setup.