Module 1: Intro to HTML


4 weeks


1-on-1 Mentorship sessions

Learning Topics

  • Introduction to a visual representation of HTML & CSS
  • How does the internet/browser work (session)
  • Servers & clients
  • Apps vs websites

Key Mentee Deliverables

  • If mentee has started their passion project, make a diagram of their process
  • Create a GitHub account
  • Set up local development environment
  • Creating their first repository and pushing their first commit to Github
  • A Content-only draft of passion project (good html markup, but no expectation of styling)

Learning Outcomes

  • Basic familiarity with Git & Github
  • Basic familiarity with VS Code
  • Understanding basic HTML (and how CSS and JS contribute)
  • Concept articulation to a Phase 1 mentee

Supporting Educational Resources