Phase 3 - Full Stack JavaScript

Phase 3 follows The Odin Project’s Full Stack JavaScript path.

In this phase you’ll be using the Full Stack JavaScript path to begin developing self-study skills. Of course, this being Emergent Works, you’ll have your mentor with you every step of the way to assist with any topics where you might benefit from additional description, or just some back-and-forth discussion. Your mentor will also assist by helping to evaluate your answers to Knowledge Checks and reviewing and commenting on the assignments you complete.

Learning Topics

Intermediate HTML & CSS


Note: The “Final Project” assignment is to “Replicate your favorite website as close as possible”.
This can be your Passion Project, so don’t feel constrained to this directive.
DO show us what you’ve learned. This is your chance to “show off”

Advanced HTML and CSS


Note: The “Final Project” assignment is to “Build Facebook”.
Once again, this can be your Passion Project, so don’t feel constrained to this directive.
DO show us what you’ve learned. This is your chance to “show off”

Getting Hired

Knowledge Check Deliverables

As you progress through the Odin Project lessons, many lessons wrap up with a “Knowledge Check” As you encounter each of these, please create a markdown document in GitHub containing your answers to these questions. If a question asks you to write code, then place that code in a separate *.js file in your repo and link to it as your answer in the markdown file. For these deliverables, we’ll provide a way for you to share a link to the markdown file answering these questions.

Many assignments involved reading and watching resources, and, as such, have no actual deliverables.
These assignments should still be completed.


This is the first time that we are using The Odin Project’s JavaScript Course directly.
We do not anticipate the mentees will be able to complete the full curriculum in one 12-week cohort. In this cohort, just proceed through the curriculum at a comfortable pace. It’s much more important that the mentee has a firm grasp of the material in each lesson before moving on, than it is that the make quick progress through lessons.

Program staff will be of assistance for support with lesson planning if needed.

If a mentee is between phases, such as mentee needs a little from Phase 1 & 2, then the mentor will combine parts of each of the phases to fit the mentee’s needs.

Mentee Starting Skill Level

  • Familiarity with an object-oriented programming language (JavaScript)
  • Proficiency in HTML and CSS

Supporting Educational Resources

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